Discipline name: Lesson Study - English version
Course description:
The Course called Lesson Study - English version aims to propagate to Education professionals (teachers, managers, pedagogues, psychologists, educational advisors, undergraduate students etc.) how the Japanese practice teacher education in basic education aiming at the potential of their students' learning . The Lesson Study is supported, mainly, in the planning-execution-reflection triad of classes constructed collaboratively. The Lesson Study option as the guiding thread for teaching actions and their impact on student learning is not incidental, but based on the expressive results of large-scale tests, such as TIMSS and PISA, presented by Japan, as a reflection of practices that have been shown to be potential for learning school content, demonstrated in the scientific and academic environment. The Lesson Study goes beyond a simple bureaucratic model of lesson planning by bringing together valuable ingredients, such as studying didactic material, integrating and collaborating among students, valuing error as an opportunity for learning, studying doubt predictions, evaluating during the process and study of the curriculum. The planning is collaborative and meticulous, with the establishment of objectives and goals, which place the student as the protagonist of the construction of their own knowledge, with a detailed description of both the content and the teaching method. This course can act as a starting point for the teaching actions of the participants, allowing each one to print their personal mark, since each class has its way of being and feeling the world, its context and its history.
Workload: 60 hours
Language: English
Level: Basic
Professors: Maria Alice Veiga Ferreira de Souza and Mayelli Caldas de Castro
Target Audience: Professors, teachers, pedagogues, educational managers, including psychologists and related professionals.
Technical requirements: computer with Internet access
Prerequisites for the course: there is not.
Lesson Study: main characteristics and origin;
Lesson Study cycle;
Curriculum and Goals;
Research Lesson;
Collaborative planning;
Execution and Critical Reflection;
Neriage, Bansho, Matome;
Knowledgeable Other.
Methodology: Access to the course will be made through a quick registration and the creation of a profile for the Virtual Learning Environment, where all material is available.The contents to be studied freely by the student will be available in the form of video classes and complementary material (links, videos and texts considered relevant to the student's studies).To promote the deepening of discussions, course participants will have a discussion forum available in the virtual environment. In them, the available content will be discussed, in addition to the exchange of information and knowledge.This course has no tutoring.
Evaluation process:Based on the studies developed in the environment, the student will be able to demonstrate his knowledge through experimentation activities and the Evaluation Exercise. The Evaluation Exercise contains questions about the content studied and its maximum score is 100 points. To obtain approval, the student must reach 60% of the maximum grade and has two attempts to carry out the evaluation exercise.

- Teacher: Maria Alice Veiga Ferreira de Souza